Before coming to the David Mulhall Centre, Tom was showing significant difficulties in his fine and gross motor skills and processing delays. As a consequence, he was a very frustrated little boy at times. He also wet the bed on a daily basis, which, again resulted in low self esteem and tantrums.
Tom has been a model patient throughout the programme – which he readily accepts as his daily routine. Ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the evening has been no problem to us.
We have seen many changes over the past nine months. Specifically, Tom no longer wets the bed, which just happened over night! He is more responsive and his gross and fine motor skills have improved dramatically. Tom still has some catching up to do in respect of his peers, but he is moving in the right direction.
We are very grateful to Alex & David for everything they have done for our family.
Tom’s older brother is now undergoing the programme too, as the family have been extremely pleased with the results.
The Child Development Centre
31 Webb’s Rd
London, SW11 6RU
0207 223 4321