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Comfortable clothing that they can move in. For girls, leggings, skort or trousers are best.
Reframe positively with supporting their strength and allowing them to thrive at what they would
like to achieve.
Our director and lead therapist Alexander
After the session, a brief summary will be sent via email, outlining what reflexes were tested and if
they were present. Please note this is not an official document or report.
Diagnostic Assessment: Yes, both parents are required to attend the last hour of the diagnostic assessment for a parental discovery session with Alexander. Report Discussion Session: Both parents should attend the online assessment and Intervention review to discuss the finding and receive the treatment. This ensures both parents are on board, understand what is involved, are on a united front, and can have all their individual questions answered.
You will feel confident about commencing the treatment programme directly after the report reading once the treatment application tool has arrived and you’ve logged onto your portal profile to view the prescribed exercises.
DMP: This may commence as directed.
NEO: This may commence as directed.
Environmental Action: This may require further action, and investigation. Suggestions will be discussed during the parent only sessions
Nutritional Guidance: This may require further action, and investigation. Suggestions will be discussed during the parent only sessions
Diagnostic Assessment: During the diagnostic assessment, Alexander, our lead therapist,and director will conduct:
- Auditory Processing Test
- Ocular motor tests
- Motor Tests
- Neurophysical reflexive assessment
- Sensory tests
Using a range of methods, Alexander will assess more than 30 reflexes to identify the child's unique reflex profile and scores.
Following this, the child will undertake an embodied movement assessment with Constance. In this experiential session, she invites the child to explore the unique powers of creativity in play,
words and movement. Whilst this takes place, Alexander will conduct a discovery discussion with both parents.
Report Reading: Conducted online, this is a parent only session, where Alexander will take the
parents through the report and remedial child development plan to discuss the results, outline
treatment and answer any of the parents questions. There are two report readings - the first is for
the psychical programme - RRS, Auditory Programme, DMP. The second is based around lab
results and environmental factors.
Yes, you will receive the Diagnostic Assessment Report and Remedial Child Development Plan 48
hours prior to the report discussion session.
The neu-stim uses a gentle piezoelectric stimulatory effect on nerve-dense areas of the body, which is gentle enough for a developingt brain. This helps to integrate the retained reflexes and regulate the nervous system so the child can thrive in their body and environment.
Because it is a very gentle form of stimulation, there are no side effects, but it’s very important to follow the prescribed treatment because overstimulation can cause regressive like behaviour. .
You will need to purchase a new treatment tool, to ensure the application is still effective.
We run in person tests every 2nd month. Doing so reduces travel to the centre for families.
We can transfer the in-person review to an online review.
Whether in person or online, Alexander will assess the child and determine how the body has progressed alongside that month's stimulation. After this, he will be able to update the treatment and profile of that person as necessary.
The child will need to wear (or bring to change into) comfortable clothing, which they may move around in. Please avoid jeans and skirts. Cotton or other natural fibres are preferred and may be necessary at some stages of the treatment. Please arrive on time as there are only 30 minutes per session.
Please sign in on a phone or other device with updated software. The main purpose of the session is a physical assessment and so phones are usually great, as they may be handled and moved for better visual focus. A bonus if you have a stand for the phone. You will need a private, uninterrupted, quiet space and your stimulation tools. Alexander will then guide you through the assessment of the child, where you, the parent or carer, will undertake some of the assessment under guidance and observation.
The child will need to wear (or bring to change into) comfortable clothing, which they may move around in. Please avoid jeans and skirts. Cotton or other natural fibres are preferred and may be necessary at some stages of the treatment. Please arrive on time as there are only 30 minutes per session.
The average time frame is anywhere from 12-24 months. It depends on the individual's progress, what therapy they undertake, and at what times.
It's best to perform the test early on weekend morning. If eating first, 1 hour after the meal. You'll need a good quality computer screen, position it to avoid glare on screen.
The boxes won’t completely merge but the goal is to ensure the colour of each box is the same shade/colour.
A visual contrast sensitivity (VCS) test measures how well someone can see details in low contrast. The test involves showing a series of images with decreasing contrast and recording when the subject can no longer identify objects, shapes, or patterns. The VCS test indicates how nutritional deficiencies or certain bio-toxins, such as mould, create a neurotoxin affecting the brain and retinal artery blood flow. This interferes with the ability to discriminate between white and grey contrast as seen in the test.
We are the sum of our surroundings, be it physiological or psychological. We absorb behavioural influence from our parents and peers. We develop physically based on the activities we undertake. Equally, our air, water and food significantly impact our health and mental state. At The Child Development Centre, we assess each of these to ascertain nothing is negatively contributing to you or your child's profile.
We use these to support our environmental assessment and suggested interventions.
This practice is utilised as part of our parent support intervention. Neo Emotional Release (NER) takes a modern psychosomatic, multi-layered approach to release the emotions that have been stored around any trauma we experienced and couldn’t be safely processed at the time it occurred. It does so by working with both the body as well as the mind by combining the following techniques:
● Psychosomatics
● Breathwork
● Bodywork
● Visualisations & vocal guidance
● Energy work
● Inner child work.
This process helps cultivate a new relationship with oneself and one’s emotions. It activates life force energy to allow the body to start self-organising and regain balance, well-being, and health.