Extra lockdown / quarantine support

Hi Families,

During this lockdown families are spending unusual amounts of time in the same house together. While this is a blessing in many ways, for some, issues will be arising that are normally mitigated when everyone is going about their normal daily life.

Perhaps parents, siblings, or carers would appreciate a place to decompress with an empathic practitioner in total confidence, and maybe even pick up some advice about using embodiment to deal with anxiety.

Being away from our normal world and routine can also be very hard on self-esteem and bring up all kinds of other mental health issues. An obvious statement, of course, but true nonetheless.

There is no stigma of being mentally unwell or unable to cope, but maybe you could do with a little support to stay healthy mentally in these trying times, especially if dealing with family at far closer quarters than usual and cut off from social contacts. That said, anyone with pre existing anxiety, depression or many other issues being exacerbated by the isolation and surrounding anxiety will also appreciate this service.

This is not offered to set a requirement to become a regular client and do ongoing long-term psychotherapy, but rather to provide a release valve. You may just appreciate a one-off session. But should you wish to continue.

The session will be with Constance, a DMP Therapist.

DMP is a form of psychotherapeutic intervention that incorporates movement and is not solely reliant on conversation. As such, kinesthetic learners can often find this more beneficial or accessible than traditional talking therapy. If you wish to learn more, please get in touch on

0207 223 4321

